SAMHSA-CSAT 2012 GAIN Briefing Book Slides
The SAMHSA-CSAT Annual Briefing Book Slides are a set of PowerPoint presentations, broken up into 21 chapters that provide descriptive information on the most current Summary Analytic SAMHSA-CSAT dataset (2012). These are designed to be encyclopedic references to give quick answers, be pulled into presentations, or reviewed to get a quick sense of an issue.
Please click the links below to access each file. All files are available for download in Adobe PDF version, and some may also be available as a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation or a PDF containing alternate text for the visually impaired.
The Executive Summary provides highlights of the slides by chapter in narrative bullets, followed by a detailed table of contents and an organizational statement and acknowledgment.
- Executive Summary (Adobe PDF version, alternate text version)
Chapter 1 provides a brief introduction to the organization of the briefing book slides, style and layout principles for included charts, and geographic distribution of included grant programs.
- Chapter 1 Slide Introduction (Microsoft PowerPoint version, Adobe PDF version, alternate text version)
Chapter 2-4 presents an overview of topics for all records (chapter 2), adolescent treatment sites (chapter 3) and justice treatment sites (chapter 4). Each file details demographics, risk and protective factors, non-client characteristics, and outcomes.
- Chapter 2 All Data Overview (Microsoft PowerPoint version, Adobe PDF version, alternate text version)
- Chapter 3 Adolescent Treatment Overview (Microsoft PowerPoint version, Adobe PDF version, alternate text version)
- Chapter 4 Justice Treatment Overview (Microsoft PowerPoint version, Adobe PDF version, alternate text version)
Chapters 5-17 present a subset of the slides appearing in chapter 2 crossed by the breakout variable that is the focus of the chapter.
- Chapter 5 Subset of Overview by Age (Microsoft PowerPoint version, Adobe PDF version, alternate text version)
- Chapter 6 Subset of Overview by Gender (Microsoft PowerPoint version, Adobe PDF version, alternate text version)
- Chapter 7 Subset of Overview by Race (Microsoft PowerPoint version, Adobe PDF version, alternate text version)
- Chapter 8 Subset of Overview by Substance Use Severity (Microsoft PowerPoint version, Adobe PDF version, alternate text version)
- Chapter 9 Subset of Overview by Homeless Risk (Microsoft PowerPoint version, Adobe PDF version, alternate text version)
- Chapter 10 Subset of Overview by Severity of Victimization (Microsoft PowerPoint version, Adobe PDF version, alternate text version)
- Chapter 11 Subset of Overview by Mental Health Disorders (Microsoft PowerPoint version, Adobe PDF version, alternate text version)
- Chapter 12 Subset of Overview by Health Problems (Microsoft PowerPoint version, Adobe PDF version, alternate text version)
- Chapter 13 Subset of Overview by Crime and Violence (Microsoft PowerPoint version, Adobe PDF version, alternate text version)
- Chapter 14 Subset of Overview by Justice System Involvement (Microsoft PowerPoint version, Adobe PDF version, alternate text version)
- Chapter 15 Subset of Overview by Program (Microsoft PowerPoint version, Adobe PDF version, alternate text version)
- Chapter 16 Subset of Overview by Level of Care (Microsoft PowerPoint version, Adobe PDF version, alternate text version)
- Chapter 17 Subset of Overview by Type of Treatment (Microsoft PowerPoint version, Adobe PDF version, alternate text version)
Chapter 18 details topics of special interest, including GLBTQ status, ASAM dimension placement, treatment planning, individual clinical profile, unmet need and health disparities, and GAIN instrument profiles.
- Chapter 18 Other Special Topics (Microsoft PowerPoint version, Adobe PDF version, alternate text version)
Chapter 19 summarizes data quality and methodological topics including instrument fidelity, administration times, follow-up rates, and number of follow-ups.
- Chapter 19 Methods Appendix (Microsoft PowerPoint version, Adobe PDF version, alternate text version)
Chapter 20 consists of an executive summary and details of document organization, including a full table of contents, style guide, accessibility information, acknowledgement, and citation.
- Chapter 20 Briefing Slides Summary (Microsoft PowerPoint version, Adobe PDF version, alternate text version)
Chapter 21 is a complete index of the slides available in chapters 1 through 20. Hyperlinks to the relevant chapter are provided.
- Chapter 21 Index (Adobe PDF version)
Archive for past complete year datasets briefing book slides
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