The next generation of GAIN ABS!
Looking for solutions to help streamline the processes involved in conducting clinical research? LI’s new Clinical Research Information Core for Integrity and Tracking (CRICIT) may be the answer.
Lighthouse Institute has developed a new tool that makes it easy to implement urn randomization for research studies.
NEW! GAIN CalendaR
The most recent 2‐year GAIN Calendar is ready and available for use. If you are unable to download the calendar here, please contact us at
Updated! GAIN Bibliography
The newest version of the GAIN bibliography is now available. This bibliography is a compilation of studies in which researchers used GAIN data for analysis purpose. If you would like to have access to electronic copies of these articles, please email Once you have been given access and accepted it, copies of these articles are available in Box©. We are always interested in learning about studies that are using or have used GAIN data for analysis. If you would like an article to be included in the GAIN collection, please send the information and/or the article itself to
NEW! GAIN ABS 4.0 Available 11/14/2020
GAIN ABS 4.0 New Features:
- Mobile device friendly
- User interface and shorter instruments function and look great on tablet and smartphone
- Support for outcome monitoring and reporting
- Customizable outcome monitoring (follow-up) waves
- Customizable on-time and full window dates for completion
- Outcome monitoring reports reflect your customizations
- Modernized user interface
- Context sensitive customer feedback system so you can instantly give us feedback on any part of the site
- New help, documentation, and context sensitive “tours” walk you through GAIN ABS features
For technical assistance or questions related to GAIN ABS 4.0 please contact For software development related questions please contact All other GAIN related inquiries please contact
NEW! GAIN-Q3 in Spanish (07/31/2017)
The GAIN-Q3 instrument and reports are now available in Spanish! If you need any assistance please contact
NEW! GAIN DATA EXPORT (04/15/2017)
The new version of Export is now available. Export allows you to export your GAIN data from GAIN ABS to a data file. New features of Export include the ability of exporting to a delimited text file, Excel spreadsheet or SPSS data file (sav), scheduling automatic exports and receiving email notification when they are ready, a help feature that provides a “Virtual Tour” of Export for ease of use. If you would like access to Export please contact Please note that for security reasons, we must have permission from your agency contact before access will be granted.
Updated! THE GAIN AND DSM-5 (04/15/2017)
Starting in April, if you are receiving data management services, your GAIN analytic data sets will now include calculations for both DSM-IV and DSM-5 definitions of the main GAIN scales and indices. Updates include the Substance Problems Scale (addition of craving as a substance problem), the Substance Use Disorder Scale (replacing legal problems resulting from substance use with craving), the Tobacco Dependence Scale (addition of items to parallel the Substance Use Disorder Scale), the Current Withdrawal Scale (addition of new cannabis withdrawal symptoms), the Depressive Disorder Scale (addition of new depression symptom), and the Gabling Disorder Scale (formerly known as the Pathological Gambling Scale). Each new scale has been grouped into ‘mild’, ‘moderate’, and ‘severe’ symptom categories as defined in the DSM-5. Additional grouping and dichotomous variables based on the DSM-5 updated definitions will be coming soon! Updated syntax files to create your own GAIN analytic data sets will be available in the coming months. If you have any questions about your analytic datasets please contact
Updated! GAIN Bibliography (03/10/2017)
The updated version of the GAIN bibliography is now available. This bibliography is a compilation of studies in which researchers used GAIN data for analysis purpose. As of 12/31/2016 there are 438 GAIN related publications. If you would like to have access to electronic copies of these articles, please email Once you have been given access and accepted it, copies of these articles are available in Box©. We are always interested in learning about studies that are using or have used GAIN data for analysis. If you would like an article to be included in the GAIN collection, please send the information and/or the article itself to
NEW! GAIN 2016-2017 CalendaR (01/01/2017)
The 2‐year 2016‐2017 GAIN Calendar is ready and available for use. If you are unable to download the calendar here, please contact us at
NEW! GAIN-SS in Spanish in GAIN ABS (12/10/16)
The GAIN-SS in GAIN ABS is now available in Spanish! If you would like to have access to the GAIN-SS in Spanish in GAIN ABS please contact us at
Attention! browser security (11/07/16)
On December 31st, 2016, GAIN ABS will be updating its servers to maintain the highest security standards and promote the safety of your data as well as align with industry-wide best practices. These changes may impact your ability to access GAIN ABS. Please click here to make sure your web browser will be compatible with this change. If you have any questions please email
NEW! GAIN ABS Standalone (11/07/16)
GAIN ABS Standalone is an installed piece of software that provides a tool used to conduct interactive GAIN assessments in situations where internet connectivity is limited/not available at the time of the interview. This allows for an offline mimicked experience to GAIN ABS, the website that supports the GAIN family of assessment instruments. Once internet connectivity is restored, you can upload client records to the GAIN ABS website. Acquiring the installation is done directly through the GAIN ABS website. However, access to the download page in GAIN ABS is by request. For more information about GAIN ABS Standalone or to request access please email
New! Recidivism Reduction GAIN-SS (11/07/16)
The GAIN-SS has been shown effective in predicting future arrest or incarceration (Garner, 2013). Using national GAIN data, Garner’s results found the GAIN-SS crime and violence screener and the substance disorder screener to be the two best predictors of arrest/incarceration within the 12 months following treatment intake. Based on this research we added a risk of recidivism statement to the GAIN-SS Narrative Report based on the client responses to substance use and crime and violence items. This report can be very helpful in justice settings where judicial personnel need to weigh the client’s risk of recidivism and need for services when determining recommendations, mandates or sentencing for clients. For more information, please contact us at
new! recidivism reduction gain-ss for indian country (11/07/16)
The research and analysis described above can be replicated with a subset of GAIN National data to better understand recidivism risk in certain populations. Using funding from Office of Justice Services/Bureau of Indian Affairs, the GAIN Coordinating Center has conducted such analysis on a subset of GAIN national data representing American Indian/Alaska Natives (AI/AN) and has utilized the results to create a version of the Recidivism Reduction GAIN-SS specific to that population. OJS/BIA is currently using this version of the GAIN-SS to provide justice services personnel in various tribes which will help them target recidivism reduction interventions to those who need it most. For more information, please contact us at
NEW! GAIN ABS and integration with electronic health records system (11/07/16)
If you have an electronic client record system (electronic health record system, case management system, etc.) and you are or are planning to use GAIN ABS, you will want to avoid the duplication of having staff log in to both your client record systems and GAIN ABS. You also might want to pull client GAIN data or clinical reports into your record system. We refer to this sharing of login information and client data between your record system and GAIN ABS as “integration”. To find out more about GAIN ABS integration, please email
Updated! The GAIN and DSM-5 (11/08/15)
The Fifth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM‐5) was released at the American Psychiatric Association’s Annual Meeting in May 2013. The DSM IV diagnostic codes were replaced with a new set of codes that map onto ICD‐9 that is currently required for billing in most systems in the U.S. and is followed in parentheses by (ICD‐10) codes that are used in the rest of the world and will become the standard in the U.S. Since the exact timing of the later change is still uncertain and likely to vary by funder and program, the GAIN is being updated to allow clinicians to switch back and forth between DSM‐IV and DSM‐5 at will. This also allows programs to be able to evaluate the impact of the changes on the diagnostic profiles of their clients. We have completed the new GAIN 5.7 instrument and clinical reports to reflect the new DSM‐5 criteria. This version of the GAIN became available on October 1, 2015.
Update! From October 1, 2015 to September 9, 2016 14,406 GAIN-I 5.7 (DSM-5 version) have been entered into GAIN ABS. This is more data than collected in the first 10 years of the GAIN’s existence!