
Software and Data Services


The GAIN Assessment Building System (ABS) is a website tool hosted by Chestnut Health Systems that allows for computer-based and interactive administration of the GAIN instruments. GAIN ABS is designed to ensure agencies meet HIPAA (1996) standards and the updated requirements outlined in the HITECH Act (2009).

Features Include:
  • Immediate client report generation
  • Item skips and calculations are generated automatically
  • Export client data to ASCII file
  • Flexible setup for multiple agencies, staff, versions of instruments, etc.
  • No user maintenance required
  • Interoperability with electronic health record systems
  • Frequent updates (DSM-5, etc.)
  • Mobile device and tablet friendly
  • Support for Outcome Monitoring (follow-ups) and Reporting
  • Context sensitive customer feedback and “Tours” for help and instant feedback

Data Management

GAIN Data Management services are essential to successful utility and long-term implementation of the GAIN. In order for your clinical reports and aggregate data to be as helpful as possible, we help you ensure that your GAIN data is accurate, valid and of the highest quality.

Data management services include:
  • Data cleaning feedback
  • Personalized reports
  • Aggregate analytic data files
  • And more…

Aggregate Data Reports

Once your site has at least 20 GAIN intake assessments (GAIN-I or GAIN-Q3) in GAIN ABS, the Data Management Team will generate a Characteristics and Outcomes Site Profile report. This report includes tables and charts displaying demographic characteristics, substance use patterns, lifetime severity, psychiatric comorbidity, crime, HIV risk behaviors, and treatment data. The charts can be tailored for use by sites, where you can generate graphs for one site or compare data between sites, and graphs can be converted into a Microsoft PowerPoint® presentation. Site Profile reports can be an effective tool for analyzing your program’s strengths and weaknesses and can help secure additional program funding. Site Profiles reports are available for the GAIN-I and the Q3.

For further information and pricing contact gaininfo@chestnut.org