There are over 940 journal articles, textbook chapters, books and presentations that have used data from the GAIN, and this list is constantly growing. This page includes GAIN bibliography and publication lists as a resource for researchers and others interested in work involving the GAIN. These were last updated on 12/30/24.
GAIN Unduplicated Publication List is a compilation of articles that used GAIN data in their analyses.
GAIN-I Publication List is a subset of our complete publications list that includes bibliographical information for the GAIN-I.
GAIN Quick Publication List is a subset of our complete publications list that includes bibliographical information for the GAIN-Q.
GAIN Short Screener Publication List is a subset of our complete publications list that includes bibliographical information for the GAIN-SS.
The SAMHSA-CSAT Annual Briefing Book Slides (2012) are a set of PowerPoint presentations, broken up into 21 chapters that provide descriptive information on the most current Summary Analytic SAMHSA-CSAT dataset (2012). These are designed to be encyclopedic references to give quick answers, be pulled into presentations, or reviewed to get a quick sense of an issue.
GAIN Multicultural Group Publication List is a subset of articles on using the GAIN within specific populations (e.g., African American, American Indian, Deaf/Hard of Hearing, GLBTQ, Hispanic, etc.) and/or looking at variation by these or other client groups. (e.g., gender, race, age, primary substance).
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